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◎ 三从四德 sāncóng-sìdé
[the three obediences obey her father before marriage, her husband when married, and her sons in widowhood and the four virtues (morality, proper speech, modest manner and diligent work) of women in ancient China;spiritual fetters of wifely submission and virtue imposed on women in feudal society] 古代中国妇女应有的品德。三从是未嫁从父、既嫁从夫、夫死从子,四德是妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功(妇女的品德、辞令、仪态、女工)
引证解释泛指束缚妇女的封建礼教。《敦煌曲子词·凤归云》:“训习礼仪足,三从四德,针指分明。” 元 刘唐卿 《降桑椹》第一折:“那堪媳妇 润莲 ,三从四德为先。”《红楼梦》第四七回:“我听见你替你老爷説媒来了,你倒也三从四德的。只是这贤慧也太过了!” 闻一多 《妇女解放问题》:“从历史上看 中国 的女性,就是奴性的同义词,三从四德是奴性的内容。”参见“ 三从 ”、“ 四德 ”。 edu.pub
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