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◎ 良莠不齐 liángyǒu-bùqí
[grain or chaff;the good and the bad are intermingled; sheep and goats; there are bad as well as good people in the group; there are weeds among seedlings; thread and thrum] 莠:狗尾草,比喻品质坏的人。比喻好人坏人混在一起
无如众生愚贤不等,也就如五谷良莠不齐。——清· 文康《儿女英雄传》
引证解释指好人坏人都有,混杂在一起。莠,狗尾草。比喻坏人。《镜花缘》第六八回:“此时臣国西宫之患虽除,无如族人甚众,良莠不齐,每每心怀异志,祸起萧墙。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·训俗》:“至於海外贸易工作之商民,不下数千百万,五方杂处,良莠不齐。” edu.pub
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