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◎ 家贼难防 jiāzéi-nánfáng
[thief in the family is difficult to detect; a thief from within is hard to guard against;it is difficult to forestall a thief within the house] 家属或内部的人作弊营私难以防范
引证解释家庭内部的贼人或内奸最难防范。《五灯会元·同安志禅师法嗣·梁山缘观禅师》:“问:‘家贼难防时如何?’师曰:‘识得不为寃。’” 清 李渔 《凰求凤·悟奸》:“这等看起来,真箇是家贼难防,连星相医卜的话都是他教导的了?” edu.pub
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